Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My knee pain problem

I'm worried. I've developed knee pain in the past week. My right knee is getting worse and I'm literally limping since today evening. I have always feared this. In less than 3 years, I have gained a lot of weight and I knew if I didn't work out this day would eventually come. I have seen my mother go through all this. She had knee replacement a couple of years back but still has pain and restricted mobility. So, I had always feared and wanted to avoid this.

I'm just hoping this isn't anything serious. I'm calling up the yoga center and fixing an appointment tomorrow. I'm so reluctant to see an ortho because it would eventually lead to my weight issues. It would bring in a sense of guilt and shame. I have honestly tried a lot of things from diet to aerobics to walks. But, I'm either too busy or too tired to continue working out so I give up. But, now there are no excuses. I can't afford to be unhealthy especially now. I guess I would take the opinion of the doctor at the yoga center and proceed as per his guidance. I'm just hoping that with some luck it turns out to be some simple winter time knee pain.


  1. Sumithra love the new make-over on the blog....soooo pretty!

    I hear you on the weight gain when the twins were born I lost tons then some, but then everything started spiraling downwards with Gage and I ate hospital food, I ate in my van, I ate in his ICU room, I guess I just ate and never stopped.

    I, like you am too tired to do anything about it, although January 1st is coming and I shall perhaps make a resolution.

    You are still beautiful Sumithra and it will come of eventually.


  2. My Aunt Jude recently found out that she has a torn ligament in her knee that has been painful since July! On January 7th, she goes into the hospital for day surgery. I am wondering if you too have torn a ligament?

    My Aunt Jude has been battling weight issues, too, and I know that her sore knee made things worse for her. She is very short, about 4'10", and weight gain adds much hurdle to her everyday living.

    Try not to get too down on yourself, Sumithra. And please know that you're not alone either. Please have your knee looked at sooner than later!

    Oh, I love your new blog layout!!!
