Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tracheostomy Update

Vignesh's bronchoscopy was done last Monday. I'm a little upset that he wasn't decannulated but I'm more worried about the manner in which his bronchoscopy was handled. Confusion prevailed all along. To start with, we were given appointment at 10.30 am and Vignesh was on fasting for 4 hours. But, when we reached the ENT's reception, we were informed that he was busy in the OP all morning and hence the procedure would be taken up only in the afternoon. So, I immediately fed my son. As soon as he finished his drink, the doctor came and asked us if we are ready for the procedure. Not sure where the miscommunication happened. Anyway, since we had fed him, we had to wait till noon in the PICU. We were also a little worried to know that the pulmonologist who usually handles bronc for my son had moved abroad.

Vignesh was happy and playing with nurses in the PICU. Then, there was this routine pricking for an IV line. And surprisingly by noon he went into deep sleep even without the sedation. So, by 3 pm the procedure started. They wanted to observe the movement of the vocal chords to make sure it was functioning fine. And, this can be observed only when he isn't completely sedated. So, they began the bronc without sedation and we could hearing his crying standing outside.

In about 15 minutes, the procedure was over. The doctor informed us that his airway has improved drastically. There was no redness in the region and even the swelling was gone. However, we have to wait for another 6 months before giving a try. He left saying that he would be in the hospital until 8 at night and we could contact him if we had any questions.

There was a little disappointment but we were happy that his airway is healing on its own. Vignesh was deeply sedated and they told us that once he wakes up, we can take him home if he tolerates the feed. So, we had him discharged by evening. And we got back to Chennai by Wednesday last week.

1 comment:

  1. You and your husband must be exhausted. The emotional toll of the procedure alone is high but to go through the experience of confused timing makes things so much worse! I am happy to hear that Vignesh's airway is healing! Great news, S!
