Today was Vignesh's first day in school. I'm taking him to the day care a couple of hours in the evenings, so that he gets accustomed to the place first. Once, he is used to the place, we'd be moving him to playgroups. I'm very happy with the school and the people there. Although, they have not had dealt with kids having tracheostomy or down syndrome, they are willing to give a try and see how things work. Its a nice place and I'd love to see Vignesh settle there and make friends.
The session started with rhymes and Vignesh enjoyed it. But, once the other activities began, he totally lost interest and got into a 'throwing spree'. We tried various games, but he was only vigorously throwing everything away! He was also trying to roam around on his own and stay away from other kids. I think he was probably shy and the throwing was his way of expressing it. Especially, when I saw that the other kids were so organized, I couldn't help but compare and panic. I know I'm being unfair and it was his first day and all. But, I think just like Vignesh, I too felt lost. Thankfully, the school director is a very understanding person and she made me see I was being unfair.
I'm just waiting to see how Vignesh is going to do tomorrow. I'll need to discuss with his OT about this too. I'd love to have suggestion or advice from other parents.
I'm too tired and sleepy. It well past midnight here. Today, being a special day, I just wanted to make sure I keep a record of this day. Before I log off, here are a few pics from Vignesh's first hair-cut: