What happens when temperature changes from 40 degrees to 30 degrees in a matter of few hours? This is what happens:
To give you a background on the latest developments, we have planned for a trial decannulation for Vignesh this week to see if we can get rid of his tracheostomy. Based on his assessment on the 30th of June, we will decided on the next course of action.
When we started on Sunday from Chennai, the city where we reside, it was so hot. I was so happy to find the weather much cooler in Bangalore. But then, I hadn't imagined this would make Vignesh end up with cold and cough. That too, just barely about 2 days before his broncoscopy and trial decannulation. I know there is no good time to catch cold. But, why now?
To be honest, I'm so tired of this tracheostomy. We had wanted to have this appointment as early as possible since Vignesh is turning one on the 15th of July. On his birthday, I want to be woken up hearing his voice rather than the sound of bubbling secretions. Is it too much to ask?
We were so busy manipulating date well before 15th of July, that we almost forgot about his 'star' birthday.Just like the sun sign in English calender, we have star signs in our calender. Although, these days most of us celebrate in accordance with the English calender, the first birthday alone is an exception. Here, the first birthday is celebrated in accordance with the tamil calendar and the day is filled with prayers and a lot of rituals.
Vignesh's star birthday falls on the 5th of July, this year. Since the trip was already planned and also our priest told us that tracheostomy might be a hinderance in following the rituals (he wants us to get a clearance from our doctor first), we have postponed his star birthday celebrations.
So, I guess we would be spending the day at the hospital. And, I'm hoping that even if we are unable to follow the rituals, decannulation in itself would be a more happier form of celebration and the best gift that God could give Vignesh and his parents during his birthday.
So, tomorrow is set for bronchoscopy and trial decannulation. Hope his cold and cough does not play a spoil sport. Please pray for Vignesh's successful decannulation. Would keep you all posted. Goodluck to us... :-)